I am Back at ICYA!
Click or not: I am Back at ICYA!Today I write to you with hope in my heart, I am back at ICYA! It has been over a year since I felt well enough to be here. I am working through a gradual return to work program and am hopeful that healing is well on its way. I am definitely not feeling 100%… …
Click or not: FriendsI hope you are doing well and enjoying the changing of seasons. Here in the North End of Winnipeg the change of seasons brings some dread, especially for those who are homeless and don’t have a warm place to stay. Winnipeg winters are very cold and can be deadly for people in these situations. I… …
What I’ve Been up to at ICYA
Click or not: What I’ve Been up to at ICYAI am so thankful for and encouraged by so many great friends! Some have been willing to support what I’m doing at ICYA financially, and some are willing to support me in countless other ways. It is an honour to know so many wonderful people who care about what is going on in my life.… …
I’m Starting at…
Click or not: I’m Starting at…I am so excited to let you know that I have begun a new chapter of my life and am involved in ministry at Inner City Youth Alive (ICYA)! For some of you this may be the first time that you have heard about this, so I will provide some background information. I have already… …
You’re Better in Jail
Click or not: You’re Better in JailOver the years, I have known many people who struggle deeply with their mental health. Sometimes the struggle is so all-encompassing it changed their ability to walk through even small parts of life that many of us consider “normal.” Take for example, my friend who I will call Melody. Melody has a HUGE personality, and… …
I Worked 40 Hours Last Week!
Click or not: I Worked 40 Hours Last Week!Listen, I know that lots of people worked 40 hours last week, and maybe it’s not that unusual for people to do that, but for me 40 hours has been something I have not done since May of 2017. That’s nearly 2 years ago now. In May of 2017 I left work at Grace Point… …
Homelessness…Better than Living with Those Christians
Click or not: Homelessness…Better than Living with Those ChristiansMy friend, we’ll call him Larry, was living in this cool place, where a bunch of Christian people decided to live together and share their space. He loved living there, and loved the people, but every once in a while he would have arguments with them and get frustrated. I mean, who doesn’t have arguments… …
Grandma’s are Amazing…Sometimes
Click or not: Grandma’s are Amazing…SometimesI cry every time I think of the one time I had this conversation about Grandma’s. It occurred during a week that was very difficult, I was worn out from dealing with a number of different things, but especially trying to help one young woman. I’ll get back to the Grandma conversation in a bit.… …
Moving in PD
Click or not: Moving in PDMoving is one of those times where you might let people into your lives in a way that you normally wouldn’t. People see all your stuff, how clean you live, how poorly you are organized, and they see you on one of the most stressful days of your life. So, ask your close friends to… …
One Crazy Night
Click or not: One Crazy NightHere is something I wrote back in November, 2014, on a Monday. A bit of a draining night at Grace Point last night. Some of the kids showed up, and weren’t cooperating, and we were trying to kick them out, but they actually started physically beating on one of the women in our church. Eventually,… …